
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Day 2: After the Tour

After being shown the house, I decided that I want to paint my little, ugly, pastel yellow nightstand. Shaula offered to help and also volunteered Jakken - since he hasn't gone to the lab yet.
Between the three of us we easily get the nightstand down to the shop, and we discussed what I should do with it.

I finally decided that I wanted it to be splattered. So we each grabbed a color: Jakken had 'firetruck red', Shaula had 'bubbly blue', and I had 'mint-green.' We put on full-coverage paint suits, and took the nightstand into the backyard and had fun, flinging the paint from the brushes onto the nightstand. I love the result!
It's now drying, so we are having popsicles on the back porch. Jakken will have to go to the lab pretty soon, but Shaula and I can definitely carry the nightstand back up by ourselves.

I asked about The Star's Cry, what kind of ship she is, and what color, and why she was named that. But Shaula just said to wait for tomorrow and see for myself. I'm glad the wait isn't too much longer.

We went back into the shop and Jakken and Shaula showed me their shop-lockers, and their current projects. Shaula is making a birdcage in the shape of a hot-air balloon. And Jakken is working on 3-foot tall stilts. They said I can also build anything I like. I really want to, but I don't know what.

[Sorry this entry is so short. Tuesday snuck up on me, with nothing to show for it. Hopefully, there will be a longer on next week.]